Google Score Calculator

A FREE and EASY tool designed to show how removing negative reviews can improve your Google score, and impact your
SOURCE: This information was derived from a study conducted by Harvard Business School, and we’ve applied the formula across various industries. You can access the article here: Reviews, Reputation, and Revenue which is also supported by another study about How Online Reviews Increase Sales. Furthermore, based on ReviewTracker’s data, 94% of consumers say a bad review has convinced them to avoid a business.

DISCLAIMER: The Revenue Calculator provided by is an estimation tool based on general trends and correlations observed in research. It is not a definitive predictor of revenue outcomes and actual results may vary. Users are advised to conduct thorough market research, analyze business-specific data, and seek professional advice before making any decisions based on the Calculator’s results. does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the Calculator’s results and shall not be held liable for any damages or losses arising from its use. Users are responsible for interpreting the results and making their own informed decisions based on their individual circumstances and business strategies.

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ROI Calculator for small businesses

For small businesses, ROI (Return on Investment) is a critical metric to measure the success of their marketing efforts. Small to medium businesses can use various strategies to improve their ROI, such as search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. A positive ROI indicates that the marketing efforts are generating revenue greater than the cost, while a negative ROI means that the business is losing money. To improve ROI, online businesses need to track their metrics consistently, experiment with different strategies, and optimise their campaigns based on the results.

Loss of Revenue and Profits due to bad reputation

A bad reputation can significantly impact the Revenue and Profits of a business. Negative reviews, low ratings, and complaints from customers can lead to a decrease in sales, revenue, and profits. Customers are more likely to trust businesses with positive reviews and high ratings, and they may choose to take their business elsewhere if they have concerns about the quality of products or services. Moreover, a bad reputation can damage the brand image of the business and make it difficult to attract and retain new customers and staff. Therefore, businesses need to proactively manage their reputation by addressing customer complaints, improving their products and services, and encouraging positive feedback from customers.