Revenge Porn Removal Services

Revenge Porn Offence

Revenge porn is a term coined for the non-consensual online sharing of nude or sexually explicit photos. Revenge porn offence involves at least one individual distributing images without the consent of their subject with the intent to cause distress. The photo was meant to be private, but because of what someone else did, it is now out in the open and can be seen by anyone, including colleagues, employers, and possible future romantic partners.

Our team at Bizdify has removed hundreds of thousands of images and URLs with sensitive material. We provide a specialised service for removing non-consensual pornography and lodge and manage applications for its removal from offending search engines, website administrators, or revenge porn websites so that it may be permanently deleted online.


Websites We Can Remove Revenge Porn Content From

The internet can be a scary place for victims of revenge porn. While the vast majority of sites are not guilty, we know that there are 1 billion websites to crawl and remove content from. We can help with your revenge porn removal from the following popular websites and more:

  • Blogspot
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Reddit
  • Ripoff Report
  • She’s a Home Wrecker
  • STDregistry
  • Whirlpool
  • WordPress
  • YouTube
    And many more.

When you’ve been the victim of revenge porn or sextortion, it can be devastating. But don’t worry! With our technology and expertise, we can continuously monitor search engines using reverse image searching tools and other software to stay ahead of anyone wanting to share your explicit images. Our sharp-eyed employees will take down leaked content when found. Together, we will ensure no one gets away with such an act again with our revenge porn removal services.

Our leaked content revenge porn removal service does not only make use of automated search engines but also has a group of personal workers who are specifically trained to find and remove victimisation, revenge porn, or online shaming. These people will be looking in places where an ad-hoc programme might miss it – for example, on Google and Yandex, which often don’t show up when you type something like “revenge” into their white pages’ listings!

Are You A Victim Of Revenge Porn?

Revenge porn is a form of sexual bullying that has been on the rise across social media websites such as FacebookTwitter, and Tumblr. Websites such as these do not actively screen content for revenge porn. However, they rely on users to report offensive material. When reported, this results in an investigation into the types of content shared by the individual who uploaded it. Facebook states when content is found to violate their community standards, “it will be removed and the [offending] user’s account may be disabled.” Discover how we can help with your revenge porn removal needs.

Victims are often reluctant to come forward, afraid the police won’t take their case seriously or that they might be blamed in some way for what happened. Some victims are intimidated by the perpetrators directly through threats to release more pictures, but many more are likely simply too ashamed or embarrassed to even admit that they were victimised at all. This means cases go unreported, and little can be done about them. Explicit photos end up on multiple websites within 24 hours of their first upload because sites copy content from each other. Victims can often spend weeks, months, or even indefinitely trying to get every single site the pictures are on to take them down one-by-one.

Having private photos or videos distributed online without your consent is a gross violation of trust. If you’ve been targeted for such a low act of betrayal, we can help you reclaim power over your image with our revenge porn removal services.

Why Choose Bizdify?

It’s a violation to see intimate photographs or videos of you on the internet. Bizdify specialises in taking revenge-porn cases with professionalism and sensitivity, handling them expertly as they protect victims’ confidentiality. In recent years, there’s been an increase not only among young adults but also among elderly people who have fallen victim to this awful crime. Finding out someone has uploaded explicit photos or videos without their permission is awful. That is why we are dedicated to helping you claim what is rightfully yours.

The internet has proven to be the perfect breeding ground for highly personal attacks, and we understand that these effects can be severe. While laws have been passed that forbid sharing such material, it doesn’t mean third parties will cease to do so entirely. That’s where we step in!

Our specialists are experts in removing revenge porn images, which can often appear on sites such as Facebook with compromising material showing explicit sexual acts without consent. This includes nude photographs being taken against someone’s will (known colloquially as “revenge shooting”), among other things.

As pioneers within our industry, we’ve achieved some great successes including lodging requests directly onto Google Groups where victims’ personal accounts were hacked into upload inappropriate pictures themselves then post them across social networking.

Helping Those That Need Content Removed

Trust between two people is a precious thing. Betraying that trust in this way is unforgivable, and it’s not surprising that many victims feel violated by the spread of these images or videos they were unwillingly featured on. We are here with you at every step of your journey as we fight together to take down those who would violate our privacy. No one deserves to have their privacy abused; don’t let anyone tell lies about what happened just because they can get away with them.

Our services are the best in their field! You won’t find a more effective way to solve your revenge porn and sextortion problems. Our team will make sure that search engines such as Google and Yandex are scrubbed clean of any evidence. If you thought it was bad before, imagine how terrible people feel when their private photos get spread across social media sites without permission.

You might have been wondering what to do if you’ve received a revenge porn video. You may feel embarrassed, ashamed, and scared – but don’t worry! Our team is here for you with their multi-channel approach that will ensure your case gets taken care of as quickly as possible while mitigating any impact on the victims involved in this incident. Contact us today for a confidential discussion about our services and how we can help.

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Revenge porn is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of individuals without their consent. Revenge porn images are often posted by former partners who seek to humiliate and hurt their victims, but they may also be uploaded by strangers. Our team removes revenge porn from the internet using a wide range of tools, software, and techniques.

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Contact us on (03) 9999 7379 & (07) 366 77 473 or fill our online form to let us know your concerns. Our Google Link Removal Agency will work with you and ensure the timely removal of bad links. Removing Google links – aimed to tarnish your business reputation – is a 15-minute consultation away.

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